
Fallout shelter can outfits reduce training time
Fallout shelter can outfits reduce training time

fallout shelter can outfits reduce training time

Actually give people a chance to do some strategy utilizing outfits, not only make people look different. Increased chances of speed mode being succesful. Give a bonus to happiness of other people working with you for a certain outfit. Increase self regeneration, decrease damage taken. Make a suitable outfit give +1% to room production, +2% for blue outfits. You can view a dweller’s SPECIALs by tapping on them individually to bring up their profile box, or by opening the dweller list by tapping on the vault gear icon in the upper left corner of the. Weapons are still super important as they really make a difference, outfits don't do at all. In my opinion every type of outfit needs some special bonus or ability so it won't get rendered useless when training stats. Normal equipment equals 3 special points which you can train in a couple of hours! And after you maxed a stat it is of no use at all.

fallout shelter can outfits reduce training time

Outfit bonusses become pretty much meaningless then. With some nice timing and strategy you can push 30 of your fellow people to full SPECIAL stats in about a month (ok, this is quite some time).

fallout shelter can outfits reduce training time

When you're reaching a point in the game where you can sustain your training rooms at level 3 constantly you can push 6 people to maximum level in a SPECIAL stat at once. I don't want to talk about everything that can be boring after reaching a certain point, but mostly about outfits now. There is nothing new, just the possibility of upscaling in sheer numbers, collecting outfits and weapons to complete your collection. If you want to get both parents with E as top stat, (so all 9s and E 10) you would get 7 chance for rare kid and no chance for legendary. The reductions in times in the table below are linear - each SPECIAL point added that applies to the outfit gives an approximately 1% reduction in time (a +7 outfit would give ~7% reduction).I'm pretty much at a point now at which the game turns a bit boring. This would of course reduce training time significantly. Giving +3, +5, or +7 outfits to your dwellers can significantly reduce production times. For Legendary outfits the cost plays a role for the production time as well. Civil Defense preparedness functions include : A fallout shelter program. Production time for outfits are based on the rarity of the outfit and the combined SPECIAL lvl for the SPECIAL stat needed for the outfit recipe. COOPERATION AND COORDINATION DCPA and USDA will closely cooperate and.

Fallout shelter can outfits reduce training time